How Much Does It Cost to Stain Exterior Brick?

How Much Does It Cost to Stain Exterior Brick?


When considering a home makeover, staining your exterior brick can be a transformative choice. It not only revamps your property's look but also preserves the brick's natural textures. However, before you dive into this project, understanding the costs involved and the factors influencing these costs is crucial.

Staining exterior brickwork isn't as simple as applying a coat of paint. It demands meticulous attention to detail, and the application technique significantly impacts the final result. The process begins with thorough prep work, including cleaning the surface, removing loose debris or previous coatings, and repairing any damaged areas. This preparation ensures optimal adhesion of the stain and its longevity.

The cost of staining exterior brick can vary widely, depending on several factors. The size of your home's exterior, typically calculated in terms of square footage, plays a significant role. Larger homes will naturally require more labor and materials, thus increasing the cost.

Location also influences the pricing. For instance, the cost of staining exterior brick in Oklahoma City may differ from other regions due to local market dynamics. To give you a ballpark figure, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $1.70 to $6 per square foot for professional services.

Remember, this is an average cost, and actual prices can fluctuate based on the complexity of the job and the condition of your brickwork. So, whether you're considering a DIY approach or hiring a professional painting contractor, understanding these costs can help you make an informed decision.

In the following sections, we'll delve deeper into these factors and provide a comprehensive guide on the costs associated with staining exterior brick.

Understand Exterior Brick Staining

Exterior brick staining is a unique process that involves applying a specialized stain to the surface of your home's brickwork. This stain not only enhances the color of the brick but also highlights its natural texture and character. But why would homeowners choose staining over other options, like painting? Let's delve into that.

One of the main reasons homeowners opt for staining is its ability to preserve and accentuate the brick's inherent beauty. Unlike paint, which forms a layer over the brick, stain penetrates the brick's surface. This allows the brick's natural textures and variations to shine through, adding depth and richness to your home's look.

Moreover, staining is much more durable than painting. It's resistant to peeling, chipping, flaking, and fading, which means it can maintain its fresh, vibrant look for much longer than paint can. This makes it the most cost-effective choice in the long run, as it requires less maintenance and fewer touch-ups.

Staining also offers superior protection against the elements. It forms a breathable layer on the brick's surface, which helps to prevent moisture damage. This is particularly beneficial in areas, like Oklahoma City, with harsh weather conditions, as it will help to extend the lifespan of your brickwork.

In contrast, paint typically traps moisture inside the brick, which leads to issues like dampness, mold growth, and even structural damage over time. This is why, despite the initial appeal of a fresh coat of paint, staining is clearly the more practical and sustainable choice for exterior brickwork.

In the next section, we'll explore the factors that influence the cost of staining exterior brick, helping you to budget effectively for your home improvement project.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Staining Exterior Brick

When planning to stain your brick, it's important to understand that several factors can influence the overall cost. These factors can range from the condition of your brickwork to the size of the area to be stained, and even the type of stain used. Let's break down these factors to give you a clearer picture of what to expect in terms of cost.

Firstly, the condition of your brickwork plays a significant role. If your bricks are in good shape, with minimal damage or wear, the staining process will be relatively straightforward. However, if there's extensive damage, additional repair work may be needed before the staining can begin. This could involve replacing damaged bricks or repointing the brick and mortar colors, which will add to the overall cost.

Secondly, the size of the area to be stained is a major factor. The larger the area, the more stain will be needed, and the longer it will take, increasing both material and labor costs. This is often calculated as a "Cost per Square Foot."

Lastly, the type of stain used can also affect the cost. There are various types of stains available, each with its own price point. High-quality stains may cost more upfront, but they often offer better coverage and longevity, which can make them more cost-effective in the long run.

At Meahunt, our brick staining system comes with a 20 year no peel warranty. So although in the short term you may spend more than you would painting your brick. In the long term our brick stain is a much better investment.

It's also worth noting that the complexity of the job can influence the cost too. For example, if your home has intricate architectural features that require careful hand-staining, this could increase the average labor cost.

By understanding these factors, you can get a better idea of the potential expenditure per square foot for your exterior brick staining project. In the next section, we'll provide a detailed breakdown of these costs to help you plan your budget effectively.

brick stain Oklahoma City

Breakdown of Costs: Labor and Materials

When it comes to staining the brick of your home, one of the key aspects that contribute to the overall the cost to stain brick, is the breakdown between labor and materials. Understanding how these two elements factor into the equation will help you make an informed decision and manage your budget effectively.

Let's start by discussing labor costs. Hiring a professional painting contractor is recommended for a job as intricate as brick staining.

These experts have the necessary skills and experience to ensure a flawless finish. The cost of labor can vary depending on factors such as location, complexity of the project, and the reputation of the contractor you choose.

For instance, in Oklahoma City, you can expect to pay an average hourly rate between $25 and $50 for skilled labor in brick staining. Now let's delve into material costs.

The most critical element here is the type of brick stain you select. Different brands offer various products with varying prices, so it's essential to do your research before settling on one.

Generally, water-based brick stains are more affordable compared to oil-based options but may require additional coats for adequate coverage. On average, you can expect to pay around $30 to $50 per gallon.

Additionally, other materials required for prep work, such as brushes, rollers, drop cloths or plastic sheeting, masking tape or painter's tape, and cleaning agents or solvents should also be factored into your budget. These expenses may seem trivial at first but can add up quickly if not accounted for from the beginning.

By understanding both labor and material costs associated with staining exterior brickwork thoroughly, you'll have a clearer picture of what to expect when investing in this home improvement project. Remember that while it may be tempting to cut costs by attempting a DIY approach without prior experience or knowledge in proper application techniques, hiring a professional painting contractor ensures high-quality results that will enhance both your home's curb appeal and its overall value in the long run.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional Painting Contractor

When it comes to staining the brick of your home, you may be faced with the decision of whether to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional painting contractor.

Both options have their merits, but it ultimately boils down to your level of expertise, time availability, and budget. If you are a seasoned DIY enthusiast and have experience working with paints and stains, staining exterior brickwork might be an exciting project for you.

By opting for the do-it-yourself route, you can save on labor costs and have complete control over the application technique. However, keep in mind that staining brick requires careful prep work to ensure proper color penetration and adhesion.

This includes cleaning the surface thoroughly, repairing any cracks or damaged areas, and applying a primer if necessary. On the other hand, hiring a professional painting contractor will take the stress out of doing the work yourself.

These experts, like Maehunt Home Services, have extensive knowledge of different types of brick stain and application techniques. They possess specialized tools and equipment that guarantee efficient and precise workmanship.

Moreover, painting contractors often have access to high-quality materials at competitive prices due to their industry connections. When considering cost factors between DIY and hiring a professional painting contractor for staining exterior brickwork, it's essential to evaluate how much your time is worth.

While doing it yourself may seem cost-effective at first glance, remember that this project can be time-consuming-especially if you're not familiar with the process. Additionally, mistakes made during DIY attempts may result in additional expenses down the line if corrective measures are needed.

Ultimately, whether you decide on DIY or hiring a professional painting contractor for your brick staining project depends on your level of comfort with such tasks and how much value you place on achieving optimal results efficiently. Weighing both options carefully will help ensure that your home receives an impressive makeover while staying within budget constraints

The Process of Staining Brick

When it comes to staining brick, the process can be quite involved, but with the right techniques and tools, you can achieve a stunning transformation for your home. Before you begin, it's important to thoroughly clean the brick surface to remove any dirt, debris, or loose paint.

This can be done using a power washer or a stiff-bristled brush and detergent. Once clean, allow the brickwork to dry completely before proceeding.

Next, you'll want to protect any surrounding surfaces that you don't want to be stained. Cover windows, doors, shrubs, and other areas with plastic sheeting or drop cloths.

Masking tape can also come in handy for precise protection. Now it's time to apply the brick stain.

It's important to choose a high-quality stain that is specifically designed for exterior use and formulated for use on brick surfaces. There are various types of stains available on the market, including water-based and oil-based options.

Each has its own advantages and considerations. When applying the stain, there are different techniques you can use depending on the outcome you desire.

You may opt for a solid color that completely covers the natural texture of the brick or choose a semi-transparent stain that allows some of the original characteristics of the brickwork to show through. Using either a brush or a paint sprayer yourself, start from one corner of your home and work your way across in small sections, ensuring even coverage as you go along.

Take care not to leave any drips or streaks as they will become noticeable once dry. As with any painting project on your home, it's crucial to factor in weather conditions when staining exterior brickwork.

Choose a day when temperatures are mild (ideally between 50-85°F) and avoid staining during rain or high humidity as this could affect drying time and adhesion. By following these steps carefully and paying attention to detail throughout the brick tinting process, you'll be able to achieve a beautifully brick exterior that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of your home.

Remember that if you're unsure about tackling this project on your own, it's always a wise choice to hire a professional painting contractor who specializes in brick staining. They have the expertise and experience to ensure a flawless finish and can save you time and effort in the long run.

The Importance of Brick's Natural Textures

Preserving the natural beauty of your home's brickwork is a task that should never be overlooked. At Maehunt Home Services, we understand the importance of maintaining the inherent textures of brick, a material that has been favored for centuries due to its durability and timeless charm.

Brickwork, exposed to the elements, can deteriorate over time, leading to cracks and chips. Regular inspections and prompt attention to any signs of damage can prevent further deterioration, ensuring your home remains structurally sound. This is where the value of exterior brick staining comes into play.

Exterior brick staining revitalizes the appearance of your home, highlighting the unique characteristics of the brick. Unlike paint, which masks these features, staining enhances the rich, earthy tones of the brick or creates a custom look that complements your home's overall style.

At Maehunt Home Services, we specialize in brick staining. Our team of professionals has extensive knowledge about different staining techniques and uses high-quality materials designed specifically for this purpose. Our expertise allows us to apply the stain in a way that not only enhances the brick's natural textures but also protects them from further damage.

Staining your home's brickwork is not just about aesthetics. It also serves a practical purpose. The stain acts as a protective layer, shielding your brickwork from harsh weather conditions and preventing moisture from seeping into your home's walls. This protection extends the lifespan of your brickwork, ensuring its beauty is maintained for years to come.

In Oklahoma City and beyond, Maehunt Home Services is your trusted partner for brick staining. We help you appreciate the aesthetic value of your home's brickwork and understand the importance of its maintenance. With our professional help, you can preserve your home's structural integrity and elevate its overall appearance. Don't overlook your beautiful bricks – their natural textures are worth the effort.


In this article, we've explored the process, benefits, and costs of staining exterior brick. We've learned that staining is a fantastic way to enhance the natural textures of brickwork, giving your home a fresh, modern look while preserving its inherent charm.

Staining exterior brick is indeed a good idea. It not only revamps the aesthetic appeal of your home but also serves a practical purpose. The stain acts as a protective layer, shielding your brickwork from harsh weather conditions and preventing moisture from seeping into your home's walls. This protection extends the lifespan of your brickwork, ensuring its beauty is maintained for years to come.

Does brick staining last? Absolutely! When applied correctly, brick staining can last for many years, making it a cost-effective solution for maintaining your brick house exterior. However, the longevity of the stain can depend on several factors, including the quality of the product used, the condition of the brickwork, and the application technique.

At Maehunt Home Services, we specialize in brick staining. Our team of professionals uses high-quality materials and proven techniques to ensure a durable, long-lasting finish. We understand the unique climate conditions in Oklahoma City and use stain formulations designed to withstand these conditions.

If you take anything away from this article, let it be this: Staining your home's brick is a worthwhile investment. It enhances your home's aesthetic appeal, protects your brickwork, and can even increase your property's value. So, when it comes to maintaining your home, consider staining over painting. Your beautiful bricks are worth the effort!

Brick Stain FAQ Section

1. What is brick staining?

Brick staining is a process that involves applying a specialized stain to the surface of your home's brickwork. The not only enhances the color of the brick but also highlights its natural texture and character.

2. How does brick staining differ from painting?

Unlike painting, which forms a layer over the brick, stain penetrates the brick's surface. This allows the brick's natural textures and variations to shine through, adding depth and richness to your home's exterior.

3. What are the benefits of staining my home's brick?

Staining your home's exterior brick can enhance its aesthetic appeal, protect it from harsh weather conditions, and extend its lifespan. It's also more durable than painting, requiring less maintenance and fewer touch-ups.

4. How long does brick staining last?

When applied correctly, brick staining can last for many years. However, the longevity of the stain can depend on several factors, including the quality of the stain used, the condition of the brickwork, and the application technique.

5. Is staining exterior brick a good idea?

Yes, staining exterior brick is a good idea. It not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also serves a practical purpose by protecting your brickwork from harsh weather conditions and preventing moisture from seeping into your home's walls.

6. How much does it cost to stain brick?

The cost of staining exterior brick can vary based on several factors, including the condition of your brickwork, the size of the area to be stained, and the type of stain used. On average, you can expect to spend between $1.70 to $6.00 per square foot.

7. Can I do this work myself, or should I hire a professional?

While it's possible to stain the brick on your home yourself, hiring a professional like Maehunt Home Services can ensure a high-quality, long-lasting finish. Professionals have the necessary tools, knowledge, and experience to handle the job effectively.

8. What factors influence the cost of staining exterior brick?

Several factors can influence the cost of staining exterior brick, including the condition of your brickwork, the size of the area to be stained, the type of stain used, and the complexity of the job.

9. How do I maintain my home's stained brick?

Maintaining your home's stained brick exterior involves regular inspections for damage and prompt attention to any signs of deterioration. It's also important to clean the brickwork regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime.

10. Where can I find professional brick staining services in Oklahoma City?

Maehunt Home Services offers professional brick staining services in Oklahoma City. With their team of experienced professionals and high-quality materials, they can help you enhance and protect your home's brickwork.

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